EP 14: Are your staff stealing from you? – With David Harris

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we hear some pretty shocking stories about how dental practice staff can steal money from right under your nose.  You’ll meet David Harris, Founder of Prosperident, the world’s largest firm providing dental embezzlement investigation services to dentists and dental specialists.  In this episode, you’ll discover the…

EP 13: The 5 Systems for Success – with Chris Barrow

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we discuss why systemization and approaching business like a ‘franchise’ is critical for practice growth.  You’ll meet Chris Barrow, Business Coach at Extreme Business, specializing in coaching for dental practice owners and their teams.  Chris covers the 5 systems for success in business, the industry giants…

EP 12: What is your ‘Why’? – with Dr. Laurence Tham

Episode Summary: In this episode, Angus chats with Dr Laurence Tham, Founder and CEO of Drive Your Practice, a coaching program for chiropractors designed to get you out of ‘survival’ mode and into more sustainability and success.  During this episode Laurence discusses the importance of having a ‘why’ in everything you do, and why it’s…

EP 11: Systems to help you Scale – With Jeevan Sivalingam

Episode Summary: This episode of Practice Growth HQ is focused on the systems every practice owner needs to have in place BEFORE you even consider opening a second practice. You’ll meet Jeevan Sivalingam, multiple practice owner and creator of ‘Jeeve Solutions’, a software that gives dental practice owners easy access to critical data across their…

EP 10: Leveraging‌ ‌Artificial‌ ‌Intelligence‌ ‌in‌ ‌ Dentistry‌ ‌-‌ ‌With‌ ‌Dr.‌ ‌Padma‌ ‌Gadiyar‌

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ Angus meets Dr. Padma Gadiyar, CEO and Founder of Smilo. Together they discuss artificial intelligence, and how you can leverage new technology in your dental practice today.   Smilo reimagines and modernizes the patient experience, turning dental patients into participants by empowering them to ‘design their own…

EP 9: From ‘Suck’ to Success- With Todd Palmer

Episode Summary: In this short, sharp episode of Practice Growth HQ, we discuss how to turn things around when your business isn’t growing the way you want it to.   You’ll meet Todd Palmer, author of the book ‘From Suck to Success’ which details how to confront your own limitations and embrace opportunities for growth. In…

EP 8: Our fear is not as terrifying as we’re making it out to be – With Bob McIntosh

Episode Summary:In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we’re talking about money – specifically how to overcome the fear of charging what you’re really worth. You’ll meet Bob McIntosh, author of ‘Get out of your own way,’ a book that details how to unleash the floodgates of prosperity in your business. In this episode, Bob…

EP 7: Positive Intelligence and its impact on Practice Growth – With Dr. Doug Herr

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we discuss the importance of knowing how to ‘manage yourself’ in order to build a thriving practice.  You’ll meet Doctor Doug Herr, a practicing Clinical Health Psychologist based in Nashville, TN. In this episode Doug unpacks the importance of Positive Intelligence and why the growth of…

EP 6: The Importance of Business Vision – With Heidi Mount

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ we discuss why having a business vision and mission is essential if you want to build a business that thrives.  You’ll meet Dental Expert and Coach Heidi Mount, author of ‘Hidden Treasures: Finding The Missing Revenue in your Dental Practice’. Heidi uncovers the fundamental business operations…