EP 117: Baseline Marketing Tricks Every Healthcare Practice Must Know – With Avi Kumar

EP 117: Baseline Marketing Tricks Every Healthcare Practice Must Know – With Avi Kumar

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ, I speak with Avi Kumar about essential baseline marketing strategies for healthcare professionals. Avi is the founder and CEO of KUWARE Inc. He grows businesses through organic and paid media, debunking marketing myths with a no-nonsense, data-driven approach. In this episode, Avi discusses how to manage…

EP 58: Treating Your Patients As People – With Peter Yawitz

EP 58: Treating Your Patients As People – With Peter Yawitz

Episode Summary: In this episode of Practice Growth HQ I chat with Peter Yawitz about the importance of communicating effectively with your patients.   Peter Yawitz is the President of Clear Communication and founder, host, author, and advice columnist at Advice from Someone Else’s Dad. He has been a communication coach, consultant, teacher, and facilitator for…